Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Are You Throwing Away Time? 5 Tips for Successful Time Management

By Alison K. Mitchelson

If you find yourself wasting time and not sure where it's going, you're not alone. You might be daydreaming on the job, which puts you in the company of a lot of people. You probably just want to come home from your job and enjoy the fun things in life. However, we all have a job to go to, and if we are going to do it well, we have to stay focused on what we're doing right here and right now. That's easier said than done, however.

Did you know that there are only 168 hours in the week? That is not a very long time at all if you think about it. A large majority of us do not get done want we would like and end up putting off until tomorrow what could be done today. That is where effective time management comes in.

Here are five tips that can help you use your time better.

1. Put it on your schedule. For everything you need to get done during the day, literally put it on your schedule. In addition, make time for both work and play. Schedule everything and then follow the schedule to the letter. If you want to spend some time at the gym, for example, make sure you put on the schedule, and make it part of your routine.

2. Write out a list of things to do either each night before heading to bed, or first thing in the morning. Stick to your to-do list each day. Once you have completed one task, mark it off until you have moved down the list. Write out your list starting with the first thing that needs to get done, all the way down to the very last task of the day. If you follow this method, you will never be behind.

3. DON'T make television, your cell phone, social websites, etc., part of your day. In other words, these things should not go on your schedule. If you get everything else done and want to play a little bit, then you can do some surfing or watch a little television. However, wait until you've gotten everything else complete to do this.

4. Get the "have to" things off your list first, and then put the ones that can wait until another day after those. Nobody's superhuman, after all, and there are going to be times when you can't get everything done on your list. Staying realistic about what you can and can't do on a particular day is going to give you great peace of mind as well as make you more efficient.

5. Mix harder with easier tasks to keep from getting overwhelmed. If you wish, interchanging hard tasks for easy tasks and vice versa throughout the day can help keep you from getting burned out. If you have several big or difficult jobs in a row, see if you can spread them out over the course of a week. You can also make a to-do list for the entire week so that you can spread out the harder jobs on different days, including picking specific days for specific projects.

As you may have noticed, it is all about planning ahead. It is always beneficial for us to think about what complications might occur within our schedule, so just be prepared to take a detour when necessary. Other than that, planning ahead is the best way to keep your schedule intact, and your time productive.

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