Stress management and relaxation are just two of the benefits you will find with yoga as it bleeds over into daily life. Even when I am not actively practicing yoga, I use yoga breathing to relax during my day. This is to be expected since deep breathing relaxation methods are used to manage stress.
The Inhalation
You should breathe in through your nose. Rather than belly breathing, you want to expand your chest to fill your lungs. In yoga you are trying to keep your core engaged, so this does not play well with belly breathing. Yoga breathing is coordinated with the movements (in vinyasa yoga). Often when a pose is particularly challenging, the instinct is to hold your breath. It is important to keep breathing well at all times, and you will find this true in life.
The Out Breath
It is important to breathe out through the nose (not the mouth), and it makes a sound--much like fogging up glass. The heavy breathing in yoga class must seem unusual to someone new to the practice. Ouija breathing, this forceful exhalation, improves oxygen consumption while creating warmth in the body.
This breath helps push more air out of the lungs. This really allows a dramatic release of tension. It feels a bit like 'blowing off steam', and it is an amazing breathing relaxation technique.
Yoga class usually includes a few cleansing breaths as well. In this case the exhalation does come through the mouth with a sigh. Typically these are used right after a more challenging sequence. In life it is important to incorporate these sighs during or after some of your more intense challenges.
It is natural for me to use deep breathing relaxation methods throughout my day without even realizing it. Yoga has helped to train my automatic behavior. I find myself taking deeper breaths as needed without consciously initiating them. I also catch myself when I am holding my breath, and redirect myself to some deep breathing.
Instructors often say a single, conscious breath constitutes a yoga practice. It is nice to experience stress management from yoga not only in class, but crossing over into the real world. Relaxation with yoga breathing will become automatic for you after practicing a while. Yoga: the only breathing relaxation technique you'll ever need.
The Inhalation
You should breathe in through your nose. Rather than belly breathing, you want to expand your chest to fill your lungs. In yoga you are trying to keep your core engaged, so this does not play well with belly breathing. Yoga breathing is coordinated with the movements (in vinyasa yoga). Often when a pose is particularly challenging, the instinct is to hold your breath. It is important to keep breathing well at all times, and you will find this true in life.
The Out Breath
It is important to breathe out through the nose (not the mouth), and it makes a sound--much like fogging up glass. The heavy breathing in yoga class must seem unusual to someone new to the practice. Ouija breathing, this forceful exhalation, improves oxygen consumption while creating warmth in the body.
This breath helps push more air out of the lungs. This really allows a dramatic release of tension. It feels a bit like 'blowing off steam', and it is an amazing breathing relaxation technique.
Yoga class usually includes a few cleansing breaths as well. In this case the exhalation does come through the mouth with a sigh. Typically these are used right after a more challenging sequence. In life it is important to incorporate these sighs during or after some of your more intense challenges.
It is natural for me to use deep breathing relaxation methods throughout my day without even realizing it. Yoga has helped to train my automatic behavior. I find myself taking deeper breaths as needed without consciously initiating them. I also catch myself when I am holding my breath, and redirect myself to some deep breathing.
Instructors often say a single, conscious breath constitutes a yoga practice. It is nice to experience stress management from yoga not only in class, but crossing over into the real world. Relaxation with yoga breathing will become automatic for you after practicing a while. Yoga: the only breathing relaxation technique you'll ever need.
About the Author:
Jennifer Pereira, RD, LD, CSCS is a dietitian and strength and conditioning specialist, and started practicing yoga 16 years ago. If you would like to learn more about yoga for relaxation or the benefits of yoga, you can visit her site.
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