Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How To Get Thin Arms-The Psychology Of Long Term Motivation

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Depending on the program you are using, learning how to get thin arms can be challenging. It will require an amount of effort over some length of time.

Unfortunately, this is where most thin-arm hopefuls fall off the wagon.

You see, it's easy to start working towards a goal with oodles of motivation, but as time goes by that motivation begins to fade. Eventually, some women simply abandon their thin arm goal altogether.

So here are some tips to keep you on track to get thin arms:

1. Exercise your motivation muscle daily. Some women like to meditate, some like to use affirmations, and some like to write down their positive thoughts. Regardless of the approach, the key is to have a daily routine of mental strengthening. Just as you should be eating clean and exercising on a regular basis.

2. Don't depend on superficial techniques. Ever notice how you get all fired up after hearing a great speaker only to notice that days later all the pep is gone? This happens because a motivational speaker doesn't show you how to attack the problem at its core: deconstructing your complex thought processes. And this is necessary if you want to maintain motivation to get thin arms.

3. Keep a log. There will come a point when negative thoughts begin to pop up into your head when learning how to get thin arms. There is no way around this. The best approach here is to keep a log of them. Then you can dissect them later on.

4. Don't overestimate. Most women overestimate how hard it is to get thin arms. One strategy to counteract this is to keep a before and after log of activities. For instance, write down how hard you think it is to exercise at 100% effort. Once you complete the workout, write down how hard it actually was. More often than not, you'll notice that you overestimate how hard things are.

Now even if you follow all of the advice in this article, you are still going to face setbacks. This happens to everyone. The main difference between women that get thin arms and those that don't, is how fast they bounce back. So never get discouraged if you fall off of the bandwagon, simply get right back on!

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