Friday, January 8, 2010

The Christian, Christianity And The Fate Of Christians Around The World

By Samuel Brown

Christianity is at a point where the Christian community is under attack. We have been here before over the past two thousand years but we survived.

But we can lose this power to fight back if we do not organize. Now more than ever our societies are quicker to accept the contemporary view of the bible and the irrelevance of the Christian faith than we once did.

In the past few years there have been an excess amount of information mostly in books and movies that have impacted the Christian faith. These attacks have done significant damage to the Christian brand and affect how our God is seen in the world.

The attackers assail the bible, the major source of Christian knowledge, through so-called scholarly means that mainly attack the gospels. These people hold that the gospels were put together too long after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that the gospels have been developed from legends.

Popular books and movies also attack everything the bible and the Christian faith stand for. They find new ways to point out why long held scholarly beliefs in passages in the bible are not to be interpreted in the traditional fashion but must be reinterpreted in a new light.

These new age scholars, writers and producers are shaping the way the public perceive the Christian faith. They are becoming successful because of the information age which makes it easier for them to provide their opinions especially on the Internet and crowding out traditional scholars.

They are dissuading even traditional Christians especially the educated ones. Their agenda is to make Christianity and the Christian God a thing of the past. These radical attackers of the Christian faith will use virtually any means at their disposal to reduce the Christian faith to irrelevance.

The school environment has always been our home court where we could influence what our kids learn. Now they are being forced to accept Darwinism over creationism through curriculums that have been specifically designed to demote Christianity.

Until Christians worldwide begin to fight collectively we will reach a point where we lose the battle. It is time to wake up and fight the good fight for it is a battle we cannot afford to lose.

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