Thursday, March 11, 2010

How To Win Back Your Girlfriend Effectively

By Brian Tim

Are you going through the stress of fresh breakup with your girlfriend? But now you want her back? If this is the situation then you are at the right place. In this article I will give you some successful tips on how to win back your girlfriend. But before starting, there is one thing that you have to keep in mind. Mostly at the time of breakup people think that any strategy if applied successfully and with full love will work. No doubt this is technically correct but works only if you are the lucky one in most cases. Yes, it is the fact. So there is a strict need to divide the approaches into two parts and that is what works and what do not.

The most important thing to do after break up is to give some time and space to her as she needs some time to cope up with her personal and social life in order to get over the breakup. In this situation if you start talking to her again, she will get irritated and you will lose any chance of getting her back. As soon as she will get over the breakup, start building your relationship again. At this point you will be able to give the situation a complete U turn.

Now it is the time to think about what led to the breakup. Is it because of you are a busy person and do not have time to meet her; or you spend more time with your friends and enjoy more with them; thus resulting to neglect your girlfriend? Whatever be the reason, keep one thing in mind that though she agreed to the break up, it does not mean that she is not in love with you anymore. May be it is the mistake of your girlfriend which led to breakup but if you want her back then you have to take the first step. If you will do this then she will get a good proof that you really love her.

Now there are two types of strategies: aggressive strategy and conservative strategy. You can win back your girlfriend using these two strategies. Just follow what I am going to tell you in this article.

When you force your girlfriend to restore the broken relationship, aggressive strategy comes into view. You just push hard to talk to her but be in control and do not over react. If you will force her hard then there is a chance that you will lose her permanently and it is quite possible that she will never meet you again.

Many lovers stay friends after breakup. In this condition the priority of getting engaged again is a good point. Use conservative strategy. Slowly build your relationship again. When it is the right time, move on from good friends to lovers. But be patient. Do not push your girlfriend to engage in relationship. Just wait for the right time. May be she will take the first step for the patch up.

This trick is not very much successful. Opportunities are less. But you should not be very much aggressive. If you will do it, you will lose a good friend as well.

So the result is that if you want to get your ex back and do not want any friendship, then aggressive strategy is a good choice otherwise go for conservative strategy. Just keep in mind whatever be the reason for breakup she has always been an important part of your life so make her feel that way. Now you know how to win back your girlfriend. So what are you waiting for? Just go ahead.

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