Monday, July 6, 2009

Remote Viewing - An Overview

By Peter J Minks

Whether you know it or not, you have the ability to use remote viewing. This is a psychic ability which is latent in every human being and lets you to see places and things, even people who you would be unable to perceive with the five senses. Learning to use remote viewing lets you get a visual of anywhere you want to see, no matter how distant.

Unlike astral travel and some other psychic abilities, while remote viewing your spiritual and physical body will stay in the same place. You are able to see any place, person or thing you wish while your body, mind and spirit stay at home.

Remote viewing is a form of psychic dowsing, where the viewer is using psychic power to seek out whatever he wants to find. The remote viewer is using a form of ESP to locate that which he seeks.

We only use about 10% of our brains in everyday life. There are vast regions of the brain whose potential goes untapped and are not even entirely understood. Our psychic abilities are in there; and with some practice, they can be developed and used.

Imagine being able to reach out and just know that your children are okay while they're away from family. The security and peace of mind that comes with being able to use remote viewing for beneficial needs is priceless.

What makes remote viewing different to other forms of psychic abilities is that anyone can learn how to do it. Studies on many non-psychic people have shown that once these people had been taught to enter into a sufficient trance-like state, they were able to engage in remote viewing with high levels of accuracy.

To start developing your remote viewing abilities, use these methods:

*Always practice your remote viewing in a quiet place where you'll be free from distractions and where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes and start relaxing your body before trying to remote view.

*Breathe deep, regular breaths through your nose. Hold your tongue against the roof of your mouth to get more control over your breaths and prevent yawning.

*Believe in yourself and your remote viewing abilities. You need to tell yourself that you can and will be able to remotely view things which your senses would not let you normally perceive.

*Begin with an easy subject for your first attempts at remote viewing. Try to see yourself sitting right where you are as if you were standing in front of yourself a few feet away. It can be challenging to see yourself at first; we're not used to seeing ourselves except in a mirror. Just stay focused and be patient and soon you'll be able to see yourself from an entirely new perspective.

*Once you can master the mental control needed to view yourself from a remote perspective, cast your remote viewing eye a little wider, and observe a location you know very well. Perhaps a parent's home or family member will suffice while you're training your mind. Notice small things that may be out of place, such as dishes on the sink or magazines on the table. When you get a chance, call and confirm what you saw. This reinforcement of what you've seen is important, because it will show you what your mind is really capable of achieving.

The next step is to try something a little more challenging. Try having a friend or family member in the next room repeating a motion while you try to remotely view them. Once you're done, see if you could perceive what they were doing. This exercise can tell you if you're really advancing in the development of your remote viewing abilities.

Once you have spent some time practicing your remote viewing techniques you may find that it's much easier and quicker to get yourself into a relaxed state. This state is very similar to the trance-like relaxation people achieve under hypnosis. Even though they are still wide awake, the body is relaxed enough to access the sub-conscious mind.

The subconscious mind is the seat of our psychic capabilities. The more you practice relaxation and remote viewing, the better you will get at it.

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