The study of the bodys chakra system is often referred to as Chakrology by its proponents, alternative medicine advocates and New Age theorists. The existence of our chakra system was first discovered by the Ancient Hindus more than four thousand years ago. They have used the model for healing and promoting and individuals well-being.
There are seven major energy centers among the several thousands that make up our chakra system. These seven major chakra points are the doorways of energy that we gather from our environment and surroundings (including other individuals) that make up the complete person that we are in terms of spirituality, physical and mental existence as a human being.
The seven major chakra points of the bodys chakra system each possesses a unique purpose which in turn influences a particular feature of our existence. Even if they are separate and independent from each other, they work in mutual assistance of each other to bring about our well being, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
It is quite remarkable that despite the existence of numerous models of depicting the chakra system, there is one common denominator among all the models used. And that is the energy points correspond to a particular endocrine gland of the human anatomy!
The common representation of our major chakras is a straight ascending line along the spinal column from the base to the top of the head. Modern representations go one step further and assign the primary colors of the color wheel to each of the seven major energy points for a better illustration and to depict particular energy representations as colors symbolize different energy levels as well.
The significance and existence of chakras is primarily assumed to exist in our awareness (psyche). Nonetheless, there are advocates who firmly believe that chakras also have a physical manifestation and exist not just in the consciousness. Not without basis though as more and more study on the subject reveals what the Ancient Hindus and other Eastern Civilizations have claimed thousands of years ago: that there is a distinct and direct connection between the locations and performance/behavior of the chakras and of the endocrine glands of our body.
The positioning and role of the chakras in our totality (physical, mental and emotional) as human beings give them significant importance in two aspects of our lives: health and illness.
Since the chakra system is the principal processing center for every facet of our self, any interruption, obstruction or dysfunction or fault in the flow of energy in the chakras usually results to illnesses or disorders in our body, mind or spirit. A malfunction of the energy flow through any of the seven major chakras results in a corresponding reaction to specific areas of the body which generally affects the entire individual. The reason for this is because energy fields are generally holistic in nature and can not be separate from its complementary component parts; a malfunction of one affects the others in one way or another.
Five of the seven major chakras in our body are assumed to have both a dominant and less dominant. Generally, the dominant side is considered to be the one facing the front while the less dominant side is the one facing backwards. The two major chakras that do not have this characteristic are the first chakra (at the base of the spinal column) and the seventh chakra (the crown of the head.
This even makes it more important to realize the functions of our chakra system and how to manipulate them to our advantage in order for them to send and receive energy in equal amounts.
There are seven major energy centers among the several thousands that make up our chakra system. These seven major chakra points are the doorways of energy that we gather from our environment and surroundings (including other individuals) that make up the complete person that we are in terms of spirituality, physical and mental existence as a human being.
The seven major chakra points of the bodys chakra system each possesses a unique purpose which in turn influences a particular feature of our existence. Even if they are separate and independent from each other, they work in mutual assistance of each other to bring about our well being, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
It is quite remarkable that despite the existence of numerous models of depicting the chakra system, there is one common denominator among all the models used. And that is the energy points correspond to a particular endocrine gland of the human anatomy!
The common representation of our major chakras is a straight ascending line along the spinal column from the base to the top of the head. Modern representations go one step further and assign the primary colors of the color wheel to each of the seven major energy points for a better illustration and to depict particular energy representations as colors symbolize different energy levels as well.
The significance and existence of chakras is primarily assumed to exist in our awareness (psyche). Nonetheless, there are advocates who firmly believe that chakras also have a physical manifestation and exist not just in the consciousness. Not without basis though as more and more study on the subject reveals what the Ancient Hindus and other Eastern Civilizations have claimed thousands of years ago: that there is a distinct and direct connection between the locations and performance/behavior of the chakras and of the endocrine glands of our body.
The positioning and role of the chakras in our totality (physical, mental and emotional) as human beings give them significant importance in two aspects of our lives: health and illness.
Since the chakra system is the principal processing center for every facet of our self, any interruption, obstruction or dysfunction or fault in the flow of energy in the chakras usually results to illnesses or disorders in our body, mind or spirit. A malfunction of the energy flow through any of the seven major chakras results in a corresponding reaction to specific areas of the body which generally affects the entire individual. The reason for this is because energy fields are generally holistic in nature and can not be separate from its complementary component parts; a malfunction of one affects the others in one way or another.
Five of the seven major chakras in our body are assumed to have both a dominant and less dominant. Generally, the dominant side is considered to be the one facing the front while the less dominant side is the one facing backwards. The two major chakras that do not have this characteristic are the first chakra (at the base of the spinal column) and the seventh chakra (the crown of the head.
This even makes it more important to realize the functions of our chakra system and how to manipulate them to our advantage in order for them to send and receive energy in equal amounts.
About the Author:
Anne-Marie Laureaut is one of the team of experts who contribute to the popular site. Visit here To understand how knowledge about the chakra system can transform your whole life and how you can get free chakra meditation affirmations, hypnosis and binaural sound frequencies recordings.
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