Friday, July 10, 2009

What Is Your Mind Movie Showing You About Money

By Rusty Webb

For you to get this prosperity concept into high gear, you need to be specific-exactly how much money do you want? Don't forget, you are working with your subconscious mind and the subconscious does not think. It merely accepts images and then moves them into form. So for you to say, I want "lotsa money" isn't good enough, because no one, least of all your subconscious mind, knows how much "lotsa" is.

I strongly recommend that you get very serious about this article, because the idea it contains could literally change your life. But understand that thinking, by itself, is not enough-you must be moved into action. There are certain things you must do and the first one is to decide how much money you want.

For you to answer this question, it would probably be a good idea for you to decide what you want the money for. But to simply say, "I want the money to live on," is not good enough. You should realize our society is structured in such a way that the government will "keep you." In fact, in most places, they will even mail a check to you-you can sit at home and still receive a "living wage."

At this point you are probably saying to yourself, "Oh yes, I know that, but I want to live better than that." Well, let's get specific-how much better?

Bearing in mind that this kind of an exercise is going to require some serious planning on your part, get out a sheet of paper and draw up a list of all the "things," or "activities," that you plan to spend money on over the course of the next year. To assist you in getting started with your list, I have outlined several sample categories below:

Food, Rent/Mortgage, Clothes, Automobile,Utilities, Education, Vacations, Recreation,Insurance, and Savings.

Understandably, these are just a few of the many possibilities; so keep working on your own list until it is complete! And remember, you do not fill in the amounts you are now spending. Rather, you take each item on the list, visualize how you want to live and then fill in the amount of money it will cost you to do so. For example, you might only go out to a nice restaurant to dine on very special occasions, but you might visualize yourself spending a very enjoyable evening out for dinner once a week, where the service is excellent, the food is even better, and the environment is fit for royalty. How much would that cost? - that is the figure you're looking for.

You could be driving a car that is getting old and is showing signs of rust, but you might visualize yourself driving a brand new car of your choice, that you trade every year or two. How much would that cost? Remember, you do not have a contract to live forever, nor is this a practice run-this is your life and you should be enjoying it to the fullest extent humanly possible!

Therefore, you should have the amount of money you need, to provide the things you want, to live the way you choose to live.

Let me caution you-it would not be unusual for your mind to be playing tricks on you at this point. You could be thinking, "This is really crazy. I'm never going to have the money to live the way this book suggests." I want to remind you, however, that there are many people who do have enough money to live the way this book suggests-and they weren't born with it-and no one left it to them. They were "Born Rich" in the sense of having the God-given potential to succeed (everyone is), but like most people, they were at one time short of money.

Understand that you too can succeed, and you will, if you will only do as this book suggests. As I am writing this, I feel compelled to digress for a few lines, to remind you that you have great resources of talent and ability locked up, within you, just waiting to be given the chance to shine. In this vein, I can vividly recall listening to a tape a number of years ago, that Earl Nightingale made on "Attitude." I must have listened to that tape literally hundreds of times and there was a part on it where he said, "Now, right here we come to a rather strange fact. We tend to minimize the things we can do, the goals we can obtain, and yet, for some weird reason, we think others can do things that we cannot." Earl then went on to say, "I want you to know that that isn't true.

You do have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you, and you can have the things you want by using mind movies, to achieve health and everything else that comes with it.

I wouldn't even want to speculate on how many times I heard that section, without really understanding what he meant; and then one day I heard it, and every cell in my brain seemed to resonate with the truth of what he said. I suddenly realized what he was "driving at" and I knew deep down inside of me, if they can do it, so can I, if I am willing to pay the price. Please understand you too can do it, because what Earl had to say is as true of you as it was of me. But part of the price for you, is to work out ...

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