Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How To Handle a Teen With Substance Abuse

By John Paldomine

The problem of becoming addicted to drugs like cocaine, heroine, alcohol, barbiturates etc is increasing in teens.

Among these drugs, consumption of alcohol is highest. Most of the teenagers think that substance like alcohol can increase their mind power and this is one of the reasons of increasing use of these substances but they forget to accept the fact that the number of physical and mental problems is associated with the use of these substances.

Teenagers should be told that half of all the traffic accidents are alcohol related. They should depend more on legal substances than illegal ones to boost their physical and mental capabilities. Good parents do not agree to increase these addiction habits in their child. Parents who love their child and really care for their future should not only stop their child from using these substances but should give up their own addiction habits also.

If you are yourself consuming alcohol or any other similar substance then you will not be able to say no to your child because to say no, you should be able to satisfy your child that why the use of these substances is illegal. Young brains do not fully develop before the age of twenty five and they need good examples in their family to follow because the family members are closest to teens. Mothers have the greatest responsibility to set a favorable environment for their child and father along with other family members should help her.

Parents should always try to keep their child away from these addiction habits because if this addiction is developed in them then it will be very difficult for them to leave these habits and they will experience serious withdrawal symptoms if they try to do so. Even after lot of efforts, if your child has started consuming these substances then what should you do to bring them back from their addiction habits. If your child is consuming these types of substances then you should talk to them and let their exact problems come out to you in their own words.

You should not scold or punish your child if you find them engaged in any wrong activities because then they will hesitate to share any of their problems with you and at that time they will find the use of these substances helpful. People should not think that substance abuse is a character defect because it is a disease and the patient should be treated in a similar way as the treatment given to a person suffering from some other medical problem. The teens using these substances like alcohol should not be neglected from family or society but they require special attention of their parents.

They need your guidance and direction and you should help them even if they oppose you and make your work difficult. The teens that have developed drinking habits should be given the right treatment as soon as possible because if this problem is not dealt within time then it will be a threat to their well being and long term development.

About the Author:


jatin said...

The Columbia University report found that smokers ages 12 to 17 are additionally bound to meet the analytic definition for drug misuse or reliance than nonsmokers, at 26 percent contrasted with 2 percent - a colossal distinction that is conveyed forward into adulthood. The quantities of grown-up addicts in drug rehab programs who are additionally smokers far dwarf the nonsmokers, as indicated by a report not long ago.
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