Sunday, August 2, 2009

How Toxic Is The Average Diet? Put The Lemonade Diet To The Test!

By Peter Glickman

One of the most widely used color-additives is cochineal [pronounced koash-a-neil] it is an extract made from the bodies of [a small] female ... Insect harvested primarily in Peru and the Canary Islands. The bug feeds on red cactus berries, and color from the berries accumulates in the females and their un-hatched. The insects are collected, dried, and ground into a pigment. It takes about 70,000 of them to produce a pound of carmine, which is used to manufacture processed foods look pink, red, or purple. Dannon strawberry yogurt gets its color from carmine, and so do many frozen fruit bars, candies, and fruit fillings, and Ocean Spray pink-grapefruit juice drink."

One of the most widely used color additives, cochineal [pronounced koash-a-neil] extract is made from the bodies of [a small] female ... insect harvested mainly in Peru and the Canary Islands. The bug feeds on red cactus berries, and color from the berries accumulates in the females and their unhatched. The insects are collected, dried, and ground into a pigment. It takes about 70,000 of them to produce a pound of carmine, which is used to make processed foods look pink, red, or purple. Dannon strawberry yogurt gets its color from carmine, and so do many frozen fruit bars, candies, and fruit fillings, and Ocean Spray pink-grapefruit juice drink."

The article explains how methanol destroys the brain a little bit at a time. Immediate effects can be severe (epileptic seizures, blindness, or chest palpitations) to less noticeable (blurred vision, bright flashes, tunnel vision, ringing or buzzing in ears, migraine headaches, dizziness, loss of equilibrium, or lip and mouth reactions). It talks about an Air Force pilot that was able to traced the patterns of tremors and seizures he suffered for two years to his consumption of NutraSweet in beverages. His medical issues ceased when he stopped drinking NutraSweet.

Sodium fluoride is more toxic than what is in our water but, it was/is used for a century as a pesticide and rat poison until it was banned by the EPA in September 2005. It is the reason all fluoride toothpaste tubes carry warnings: Keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing [a pea-sized amount] is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or call a Poison Control Center right away. Sodium fluoride is somewhat more toxic than stannous fluoride, which resulted in the death of 3-year old William Kennerly in Brooklyn, NY as a result of swallowing and not spitting out a routine fluoride treatment If sodium fluoride is not added to municipal water supplies, it has to be disposed of by taking it to a Class 1 Hazardous Waste landfill which would charge approximately $7000 for a truckload. It is used to fluoridate approximately 10% of municipal water supplies. .

In "Plane and Pilot" magazine an article in January 1990 on food additives described how diet soft drinks are sweetened artificially by Aspartame (called NutraSweet or Equal). Aspartame contains 10% methanol, a poison, that is released at temperatures above 86 or if left on the shelf for an extended period of time.

One of the major causes of the overweight epidemic in our society can be linked to the simple fact that Americans are eating and drinking toxins through our diets everyday. Our bodies cannot handle the volume of toxins we consume on a daily basis.

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