Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How Our Words Impact Our Energy Healing

By Mark Walters

Our words show the outside world what our inner world is like. Our thoughts are revealed through our emotions and our emotions are shown through our words. The words that we use and their impact on Spiritual Growth will be the focus of this article.

The procedure of reaching our complete state is facilitated through Energy Healing. When our true nature shines through we have gained our complete state. And the creator has bestowed upon us our true nature.

There are many filters that block our true nature from shining through to the world. What makes up these filters? The filters are made of our thoughts and emotions. Both expressed through our wwords.

Why have I chosen to focus on the language that we use? I could simply have focused on thoughts or emotions. I decided that language were the simplest to observe so I decided to select them for observation. And they are the easiest for others to watch and point out to us.

If your friend states that you seem angry it is not hard to have a different belief. But if they said that you said "I hate everybody" or "I love everybody" that is hard to challenge. We are able to see our growth by the language that we use. If you want your life to change then simply change your words.

It is tough to directly change your thoughts because thoughts are so fleeting. I am sure you have noticed how your thoughts roam from topic to topic. To catch them in any act is very hard.

The same is true for your emotions. They have a tendency to just jump up and surprise us. By the time we recognize that we are in a strong emotional state, it probably is to late to change it.

But language are different. When you speak a sentence you have the ability to immediately change it. You can change you words completely or simply change the order of what you have said. Instead of saying "You make me mad" you could say "What you are doing makes me mad". There is a world of difference between those two sentences.

You may wonder how this helps with changing the filters that block our true nature from coming through. To understand our filters all we need to do is look at our irrational negative emotions. Emotions such as fear, hate, jealousy, anger etc... These negative emotions are best replaced with positive emotions such as gratitude, love, patience, kindness etc...

We can replace the negative with the positive by watching our Language and what we say. To have our thoughts and emotions become more positive we need to make our words turned into more positive.

The more we clear away the negative the more the positive grows and the more our true nature shines through.

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