Friday, October 30, 2009

Hydroponic Indoor Gardening - 9 Reasons To Try It!

By Charles Jackson

Have you ever thought about getting into hydroponic indoor gardening as a hobby or money making scheme?

Here is a list of advantages of hydroponic indoor gardening when compared to traditional soil based gardening:

1. After your initial start up costs, hydroponic gardening is around 20% cheaper to run and maintain.

2. You can fit more hydroponic plants in a smaller area. This is despite the plants actually growing larger in most cases, the roots do not grow as big as they don't need to!

3. Maintenance time is greatly reduced! There is of course no need to water hydroponic plants and weeding doesn't exist either! All you'll ever need to do is pick the plants once they are ready!

4. There is a year round yield as you have manipulated the growing conditions to be optimum all year round. This is great for when it's off season as you can sell them for higher prices.

5. You can grow your hydroponic plants anywhere; basement, living room, bedroom, corridor, garage, greenhouse, rooftop or window ledge.

6. Your hydroponic indoor gardening will result in a crop that is on average 40% larger. This is because you have created the ideal environment for them and they have constant access to nutrients.

7. As you don't need to water them, there is no danger of you over or under watering your plants. This is a common mistake with many novice gardeners.

8. For the same reasons as listed above, they will grow up to 50% faster! This is great if you are feeding a large family or are planning on making money out of this.

9. If you live in a high rise apartment block you can still take part in hydroponic indoor gardening! As you don't need a garden for it, you can still do it if you live in the desert or in the arctic!

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