Sunday, September 20, 2009

Explained - Fast Weightloss Diets

By Scott Edwards

Did you know there's a strong correlation between our habits, and who we spend time with? Researchers tell us that if we are regularly around someone, we start to become like them. This is usually thought to reflect in people's opinions and attitudes; having a mutual regard for certain things, like the law or education for example.

It's now becoming apparent as well that this common theme might extend to weight. We will eat more when in the company of good friends who eat more. A small study undertaken in America found that overweight kids and teenagers ate more when they were eating with a friend who was also overweight, than when they ate with a normal weight child.

Everyone in the group actually devoured more when they were in the company of friends, regardless of their size. But pairing up overweight friends led to the biggest consumption of all. The study was undertaken by researchers from the State University of New York at Buffalo. It highlighted the role friends play in influencing how much youngsters eat.

Candidly it's no great revelation that many ate more when in the company of friends. That would doubtless be the same if adults had been surveyed. What's more, as our friends don't usually challenge what we do, we assume that means they condone our behaviour. Subconsciously we're placing the permission ball in someone else's court.

Young people of all sizes were studied for forty five minutes. A number were teamed up with strangers, and a number with friends. Each pair had a mix of healthy and snack-type food, and entertainment.

All the ones who teamed up with a friend ate a larger amount than the rest. However it was the pairs who were both overweight who consumed the most in total. And the variations were considerable, as shown below.

The overweight pals who were paired up ate 738 calories each on average. And yet 300 cals less were consumed by the larger guys when they teamed up with a pal of normal weight. Interestingly the normal weight guys stabilized at around 500 cals irrespective of what their pal's weight was. Comparable evidence of strong influence from friends is evident in attitudes to alcohol consumption by teens.

This led the researchers to suggest that young people's eating habits are largely determined by their social network. Yet this power of association can be beneficial, as positive influences are just as possible as negative ones. Healthy nutrition then should be part of every child's curriculum.

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