Friday, September 25, 2009

Pros And Cons Of Solar Energy: Revealed

By Jim Martin

Learn how solar energy is generated and discover hidden secrets of gaining from this powerful energy source.

Learning about solar energy and how it is generated

Solar energy, as the name itself suggests, is derived from the sun and is sourced from the radiant energy that is emitted by the sun. Solar energy thus obtained is transformed into various other useful forms of energy such as electricity, heat, light, mechanical and chemical power, and used for a most diverse range of purposes. The radiant energy is emitted through the rays of the sun which are primarily made up of radioactive waves. Of the entire amount of sun's energy incumbent on the earth's surface, the upper layers of the planet usually absorb around 70% of it through the various water bodies, landmasses and the atmosphere, while the rest is reflected back into space. Solar energy is an important alternative source of power for today's world and is finding wider acceptance everywhere with every passing day. In this respect, it is of much importance to learn about all the pros and cons of solar energy.

What are the plusses and minuses of solar energy?

Solar energy applications are multiplying rapidly as it is being used in an increasing number of areas. Apart from the widespread domestic use of solar power, it is also being used extensively in various other fields such as agriculture, architecture, urban planning, solar lighting, solar thermal, solar chemical, solar vehicles, cooking and so on. Based on the application of solar power, it can be broadly divided into two classes - active solar power and passive solar power. The former stresses the use of solar panels and photovoltaic cells to capture and convert the sun's energy into various forms of energy, while the latter is more concerned about reducing the dependence on active solar power and instead, directly use sunlight by citing buildings optimally to the sun, designing well-lit and well-illuminated spaces in the buildings and so on. Let's face it, solar energy has become inseparably intertwined with our lives. However, much remains unknown about this wonderful source of power.

If one were to enlist all the advantages of using solar power, it would it a very long list indeed. The sun is a perennial source of energy with sufficient output to meet the entire planet's energy requirements, and then have plenty of extra to spare. Solar energy is an excellent alternative source of energy and thanks to modern science and technology, it is now possible to tap into this vast resource and harness a part of it to put it to various uses. The best thing about solar energy is that it's free, and once one has invested in setting up the system, there's no recurring cost. As the concern over gradually dwindling natural resources (such as coal and petroleum) continues to grow, alternative sources of energy are being looked into with renewed enthusiasm. Moreover, this completely pollution-free, environment-friendly and 'green' source of energy is a boon to any living society and environment. Solar power offers a great deal of flexibility in allowing itself to be set up at very remote locations, such as in satellites in space, and yet produce power with amazing efficiency. This further means that solar installations can be made in rural or remote areas for more economy. Recent advancements in solar power technology has made it possible to generate appreciable amounts of power even when the sun is not shining very brightly. What's more, the energy produced during the day allows itself to be stored for use at night or at times when the circumstances are not apparently conducive to producing solar power.

Here's how we can gain from solar energy

All said and done, solar power, however, has its share of disadvantages as well. First, there is he question of economy. Solar panels and other related equipment are usually quite expensive. Even the cheapest solar power generator would cost one nearly a thousand. Another con of using solar power is the fact that most solar systems, even now, are not sophisticated or advanced enough to generate any appreciable amount of electricity under non-optimum circumstances. In other words, a steady supply of bright sunlight is absolutely required by most to be of any real use. Moreover, their performance is still susceptible to be affected by the presence of all the pollutants in the air. In fact, few solar power systems today are able to give 100% output. This is the reason why installing a solar power generator at a remote and rural locality makes better sense as it yields more output than in the city where the air is usually more polluted.

Solar power is really a great choice for reasons both financial as well as environmental. That is why so many people are enthusiastically considering installing a system in their homes. The best thing is that you can too. But for that you need to know where to put it up, how to install and wire it, where to get the parts and the batteries from and also the safety regulations that have to be followed. A step-by-step guide in this respect can be really helpful. You should seriously consider getting hold of one such good guide before you take the plunge into the wonderful world of solar power.

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