I am a big advocate of credit repair agencies when your credit is to damage and almost beyond repair. Now when is that point? If you are just starting out and you have few accounts on your credit repair than your best bet is to fix it yourself. But if you have eight or plus credit accounts and you have a lot of negative items than you should enlist the help of an credit repair agency.
Credit repair agencies can be a big help because of their expertise. If you should the right agency to work with, they will be a big help because they have been doing credit repair for a while and they know how to interact with the credit bureaus.
Most credit agencies will charge a fee upfront and set you up on a monthly basis plan. There are advantages and disadvantages in using this method, a lot of clients complain that credit repair agencies will work slower to get the most out of you. Fortunately with the agencies that I worked with I did not have this problem, so you want to research well the company that you will work with.
One of the most tedious part in repairing your credit is repetition. You will be sending dispute letters to the credit bureaus, wait thirty days and then resend the dispute letters.
One of the most important part on your credit repair efforts is the dispute letters. How to word them, when to send them, when to resend them and how to dispute the same item more than one time. There are a lot of examples of dispute letters on the internet, if you are not comfortable with this step than hiring a credit repair agency will be to your advantage.
A good credit repair agency will fix your credit anywhere between four to six months, that is, if you dont have many negative items on your credit report.
Now if for instance you have few accounts and you just need to fix five to six items, then you can do it yourself. Credit repair agencies are a great help, but you need to choose wisely. There are great credit repair agencies out there, just do your home work and you will have a smooth sail.
Credit repair agencies can be a big help because of their expertise. If you should the right agency to work with, they will be a big help because they have been doing credit repair for a while and they know how to interact with the credit bureaus.
Most credit agencies will charge a fee upfront and set you up on a monthly basis plan. There are advantages and disadvantages in using this method, a lot of clients complain that credit repair agencies will work slower to get the most out of you. Fortunately with the agencies that I worked with I did not have this problem, so you want to research well the company that you will work with.
One of the most tedious part in repairing your credit is repetition. You will be sending dispute letters to the credit bureaus, wait thirty days and then resend the dispute letters.
One of the most important part on your credit repair efforts is the dispute letters. How to word them, when to send them, when to resend them and how to dispute the same item more than one time. There are a lot of examples of dispute letters on the internet, if you are not comfortable with this step than hiring a credit repair agency will be to your advantage.
A good credit repair agency will fix your credit anywhere between four to six months, that is, if you dont have many negative items on your credit report.
Now if for instance you have few accounts and you just need to fix five to six items, then you can do it yourself. Credit repair agencies are a great help, but you need to choose wisely. There are great credit repair agencies out there, just do your home work and you will have a smooth sail.
About the Author:
Timothy Gates have ten years of experience in credit repair. For more information on credit repair letters and how to fix my credit, please visit his site.
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