Friday, October 2, 2009

True Your Golf Swing with Massage Chair Therapy

By Chuck Miley

Your golf swing is everything to having a good golf game. Your swing involves the coordination of many different muscle groups in tandem. If any of them are off, then so is your swing and the ball will be off the mark. Proper warm up before playing a round helps get your muscles groups working together. This may include stretching, calisthenics and massage therapy. It is vital to get your body prepared properly for the physical activity of swinging your clubs. Massage therapy delivered with a massage chair is an effective way to get your body and muscles loosened up for your next round of golf.

When you swing your club, stress is put on the shoulders, elbows, wrists, lower back, hips and knees. If you have pain or discomfort in one of these areas, then it can really throw off your swing. When we have an ache, we tend to try to not put stress on that area to make it worse. This means we may unintentionally cause our swing to deviate from its desired course. A thorough warm up helps to loosen these tight areas and help to enhance your swing.

Now when you warm up you should be stretching out the following areas: back, arms, legs, hips, shoulders. Get a stretching routine down, so you work all the areas each time. You will want to do some warm up exercises and perhaps some walking to loosen the muscles. Massage therapy should also be included to loosen up the lower back, hips, shoulders and legs. Massage chairs are particularly effective in this regard.

Massage chairs can provide targeted Swedish and deep tissue massage to these areas. Also the application of heat helps with blood circulation and muscle relaxation. Massage also increases alertness helping concentration during the game. Massage should be performed prior to action, because if inflammation occurs, then there are limited therapies that can reverse it. When getting a pre-game massage remember to obtain adequate hydration.

An area of particular importance is the lower back. Most golfers complain about lower back pain. The lower back or lumbar area is the fulcrum of your swing. The leverage in your swing is a function of this pivot point. This is used repetitively throughout the day on every swing. It is vitally important that the major muscle groups used in this area are effectively warmed up. This includes the low back, hips and legs. These areas need to be warmed up and stretched. A good warm up includes the application of heat to enhance blood flow and a penetrating deep tissue massage.

In order to play golf successfully over the long term, you must take positive steps to avoid injury. What are some of the most common causes of golf injury? They can be over-swinging, twisting during your swing, poor swing mechanics and too little warm up. The golf swing is where most golf injuries occur. If you swing too hard or do not warm up correctly, then you can hurt your back, shoulder, wrist, and other areas. You can reduce this risk by integrating an adequate warm up before your game. However, you must also be aware of your limits and do not over-extend yourself unwisely.

Your golf game can really be improved with massage therapy as part of the warm up. Of course, warming down is also important. If you are playing a few times a week, then it is really important to establish a warm up routine. This way you make sure that all of your muscle groups are adequately prepared for the physical exertion. Most people think of getting a massage when the experience soreness or discomfort. Unfortunately, this is trying to fix the symptom rather than the cause. Massage has many benefits and can help improve your game and your golf attitude. The most convenient and economical way to add massage to your game is with a massage chair recliner. If your swing is on, then life is good. When your swing is off, well then you will need a lot of Mulligans.

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