Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Five Easy Ways To Meditate

By Trevor Johnson

There are many ways to meditate and several ways that you need not meditate. The easy ways to meditate are as follows. You should always make sure you are in a relaxed room before you meditate and make sure that no one is going to be bothering you.

The most popular way to meditate is the breathing method and when you want to do this you should be alone in a room and sit or lay with your eyes closed. You should take at least ten breaths in and out within a few minutes time. Sometimes it does help if you can hold each breath in for about a second or two.

Many people will use a CD if they are looking for an easy way to meditate because this can be put into a player and then they can lay down and relax all their muscles and almost go to a different place of piece and quiet.

When listening to a CD (like all meditation) you should make sure that you are not going to be disturbed. Most of the Cd's will last only a sort thirty or sixty minutes. Although some of them can last a little longer depending on what type you get.

You can use the walking meditation. This does not allow you to get away from the everyday hassle and bustle, but it will allow you to get out in some fresh air and breath more freely. This is ideal when going to the park because it is not that hard to shut everything out and just relax.

No matter where you meditate, try to make sure it is a comfortable place that your body is use to and that you can be completely comfortable no matter if you are standing up or laying down. Personally I think meditation can be easier if you are laying down as opposed to sitting down. This is up to you depending on your personally relaxation needs.

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