Saturday, November 21, 2009

Natural Cure for Acne - Can You Cure Acne Naturally?

By Daphne Dew

Having acne is a terrible thing to deal with. Most people that sufferer from it also deal with self-confidence issues as well, most likely because acne breakouts are nearly impossible to hide from the world. Any year spent struggling with acne often feels like a waste year.

The only thing worse than struggling with acne is trying to find a cure. It's slim-pickings for anyone looking for something they won't have to buy monthly. Not only do most topical treatments require you to commit in order to see any lasting results, many of them have some sort of annoying side effect like chemical burns or dry skin.

What's even worse still are the acne scars! And it just goes on and on....

Luckily this is just the tip of the acne ice berg as far as cures go. One thing you may not have heard about yet is an all natural remedy for acne. There's a good reason natural cures for acne aren't as popular as topical treatments, and the reason begins with 'money.'

It's far more profitable for big acne companies to whip up some soaps and creams, advertise them all over the place, and get people to buy their products over and over again to keep their skin clear - this creates "Lifetime Buyers."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying every acne treatment product on the market is a total scam. There are a number of treatments out there have worked for people in the past. However, that doesn't mean we should look past the fact that the acne problem brings in a lot of money, and the money tends to take priority over the cure.

It just may not be worth it to all acne sufferers to buy and use products all the time to keep their skin relatively clear. Many people complain that if they skip a day from their regimen their acne comes right back in full force!

Many acne sufferers have made it clear that they'd rather have an outline for maintaining natural healthy skin than to go on subjecting themselves to harsh chemicals and treatments that just don't work. There are ways to naturally cure acne, and natural cures have proven to be a healthier and more effective way to get clear skin and keep it clear.

If you're still struggling with acne breakouts then a natural cure may be just the thing you need. You just have to be willing to let go of the 'safety soaps' first.

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