Monday, November 16, 2009

Giving Up The Cigarette Habit

By Barb Hicks

Everyone asks the same question: Why do you smoke? Every individual has their own reasons which can range from stress to boredom. However, the fact still remains that nicotine is addictive and you may feel helpless to break the chains of the cigarette smoking addiction.

Ways to give up cigarettes:

You can not stop smoking unless you are ready to quit. This takes commitment, a plan, and a willingness to stick to it. You must keep in mind why you are quitting. Just like you have reasons for smoking, you must have reasons for quitting as well. If you can't think of one, your health is a very good reason. Another good reason is for your loved ones, as well as the money you could pocket if you were to stop smoking.

If you wanted to quit, what if there were hundreds of options to help you do that? Out of all the options available, surely one or two of them would work for you. Even a combination of several may do the trick in helping you to successfully kick the habit. Lets look at some of those ways.

Many people who believe in a higher power have used their faith to assist them with quitting the smoking habit.

Acupuncture or Acupressure: Involves inserting fine needles, or applying pressure to pressure points of the body. I can personally attest to the benefits of acupuncture, having used it for a super-duper painful bulging disc in my back. Yes! It works!

Aversion Therapy: Smoke a mouthful of cigarettes. One user tried this and stated the taste was so bad they never did it again.

Regular Chewing Gum: This method is noted to aid in lessoning the cravings.

Cold Turkey: Completely quitting altogether and using your mind as a tool to assist you in quitting. The theory is that if you see yourself as a non smoker instead of a smoker trying to quit you will succeed.

Commercial Options:

Nicoderm CQ Nicotine Gum Nicotine Inhaler Nicotine Lozenge Nicotine Patch Nicotrol Nicotine Inhaler

Commercial nicotine replacement products contain nicotine, so it is very important that you do not smoke while using these methods. Heart attacks have occurred when people have smoked using these products which increased the nicotine in their bodies to toxic levels.

Water is not only healthy for your body, it also aids in washing the nicotine from your system. Generally, nicotine is fully released from the body within two to five days.

Another way to stop smoking is to stay away from others who smoke. Changing the location of where you smoke has helped others as well.

With nicotine being an addiction, quitting smoking is not going to be easy. The best way to ensure success is to know what to expect such as mood swings, irritability and sleeplessness and have a solid plan to combat them.

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