Sunday, September 6, 2009

Another Look At The History Of Meditation

By Ferdinand Emy

This history of meditation is replete with controversy, as there is no proof on when meditation truly began. It's speculated that meditation began at the conception of fire, when humans would stare and meditate into the flames. However, there's no written proof of this being the case, or any established structure on how these possible meditations were done.

It's believed that the first written note, and Therefore|Thence the beginning of the history of meditation, began over five thousand years ago in India. No one is entirely sure which religious group began these meditations, as the evidence is the description of tantras that weren'ted as being performed. Whether or not there were tantras performed prior to five thousand years ago is unsure, as these tantras may have been verbally passed down via the generations.

The modern history of meditation began in 500 B.C., when the Buddha began establishing his forms of meditations to the world. It was during Buddha's time that meditation began to spread from India into other Asian countries. Eventually, these teachings would be passed to all of the countries of the world, making it one of the most widespread religions to date.

The teachings of the Buddha, birthed as Siddhartha Gautama, were faithfully transcribed by the monks who followed him shortly after his death sometime in 480 to 470 B.C. Many of the original teachings of the Buddha were passed down orally until his death, where they were scribed into a series of transcripts still used to guide Buddhists to this very day. Included in these penning is information on the lifestyles of ancient India, in addition as the philosophies that are the foundation of the beliefs of modern Buddhists.

From the teachings of the Buddha, as well as from other sources in India, the history of meditation evolved into a good number ofthing more than one or two religions practicing the art. Now, there're hundreds of forms of meditation, both inside and outside the teachings of the Buddha, that permit persons of all religions to enjoy meditation. Even Christianity has borrowed some of the aspects of the Asian meditations, notably via the employ of prayer beads and holy mantras used during worship.

There is a good number of speculation that a good number of forms of meditation existed within the early biblical days, as some of the behaviors described in the Old Testament of the bible are very similar to a good number of the meditations practiced by Asian religions. It is unknown if there was any influences shared between Christianity and Asian religions, or if what was practiced in the Bible was truly forms of meditation.

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