Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Exploit Your Website Copy Writing Skills And Snatch A Slice Of Success

By Gordon Brenzil

Everybody these days seems to be writing in their blogs - in fact, Age Concern has recently featured the case of a 92-year old lady who regularly writes up her blog. Blog itself refers to web log and is the online version of the old fashioned diary which used to begin with 'Dear Diary....' These days, however, diaries are much more sophisticated and blogs are now in places where, if you go about it properly, you can make money blogging. Most people have some kind of writing skills and, writing in a blog, is an informal way of writing - basically, you write as you would speak to another person. Can you make money online sufficiently to bring in an income that will cover your various commitments?

Now with You Tube and other similar sites, other people have managed to take their website copy writing to new heights by using additional skills to make money online through audio interviews: online interviews are now becoming big business as people jostle to interview some of the large number of internet marketing gurus who have made it big in the world of internet marketing. So, whether you make money blogging or through obtaining master retail resell rights, the opportunity is there for you to pursue if you have the stamina and determination.

Apart from website copy writing you can always use your writing skills and make money blogging. It's a sad fact of life that we all have commitments that need to be covered on a regular basis: can we make sufficient money from blogging for money to pay our way? There are a lot of people out there who would tell you that they are making HUGE amounts of six-figure sums. Even if we discount this minority of super-successful entrepreneurs, we are still left with a huge percentage who are genuinely earning sufficient to pay their way comfortably - as well as a vast number of people who join every program going and then do nothing with them, eventually decrying that it is impossible to earn a bean on the internet.

When it comes to blogging for money, however, most people tend to write for many different blog-sites, covering all sorts of subjects - and it can be practically anything. Even if you are good at website copy writing and can spend all day writing blogs, you still need an audience to market your blogs to. This is where the contextual ad programmers come to the fore. Many of the main search engines run contextual ads and the way they work is that you earn money each time somebody clicks on the ad-links. These are particularly useful to run in conjunction to blogging for money.

If you don't know a lot about marketing yourself try getting some internet marketing coaching - you might even consider doing this yourself to make money online! One thing you should check out is the contextual ads. Find out as much as you can about them because, if your blog content is that good, it will attract more people to your blog and, once on your blog, there is a greater chance of people clicking on the contextual ads that appear alongside, then get paid a percentage for each click - and it can mount up quite steadily.

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