Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to Choose a Christian Counselor

By John James

If you are struggling with something in your life you may be interested in getting help from a qualified Christian counselor. But located the right counselor for you and your situation can sometimes be challenging and frustrating. Most of us aren't aware of the counselors that are available in our local area.

Since most of us don't know of someone offhand that can provide Christian counseling services, it can be incredibly helpful just to know where to start your search. Finding a counselor doesn't have to be difficult if you follow the steps discussed in this article.

To help you in your search for a Christian counselor, we will provide some tips that will point you in the right direction.

1. Ask Your Pastor for a Referral

If you attend church or are a member at a local church, the first step is to ask your pastor for a referral. It's common for pastors to counselor their members when in need, but many pastors do not have the experience to deal with certain situations. In these cases they will often have a local counselor that they refer people to.

In situations where your pastor cannot help you, there may be someone else on the church staff that can help, or they may have a great referral for you to a local counselor. If this is the case, you'll probably feel more comfortable with the counselor knowing that he/she was referred by your pastor.

Starting with your church is a great decision because you may find out that the church has resources you were not aware of. Even if this is not the case, someone will likely be able to refer you to a good counselor.

2. Ask God for His Assistance with Finding a Counselor

Prayer is always a great response when you do not know what else to do. If you're having trouble finding a counselor, set aside some time each day to ask God to help you find the right person for your situation.

3. Ask Your Friends and Family if They Know a Good Counselor

You may be surprised at how many people you know have seen a counselor at some time in the past (or present). If your situation is something that you feel comfortable sharing with your friends and family, consider asking them if they know of anyone that would be a good fit for your situation. If your friends and family have seen counselors before, they may be able to provide you with a good referral.

4. Use the Internet

If you're unable to find the right counselor through these other methods, fortunately the internet makes it possible to search on your own. You can go to Google and do a search for counselors in your area, or you could visit a resource like the directory from the American Association of Christian Counselors will allow you to search based on your local area.

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