Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Goal Setting - What You Need To Know

By Mike Jones

Some people you talk to these days find goal setting a real challenge. No matter how many times they set goals, they never reach them but continue to strive anyway. Goals have been a part of our lives since childhood from getting good grades to our first job. Here are some things to help you get and reach your desires much easier.

One of the easiest ways people can reach their desires and goals is, get a notebook. Write down what you want to accomplish so you can look at it daily. Do not worry what you write as it can always be changed later. Be open about what you want to get done. It will be easier to accomplish if you make it targeted and reachable.

Make things as specific as possible. Vague suggestions mean you may not get things done. By knowing exactly what you want to accomplish you can focus more on it. People's minds tend to wander so get as specific as possible so your success will happen quicker.

Remember the quote "keep it simple stupid". Well this same quote also applies to goals. Most people make things more complex than they really have to. Keeping things as simple as possible means success will be a lot easier to obtain. Never make things tougher then you have to. Simple always seem to work best and that goes with goals as well.

4. Share your goals and ideas with others. Getting the support of others around you is important. They can help motivate you towards your desires. Sometimes we need a little push to reach them. Having support in place is a very good idea.

5. Your goals need to make sense as well. Do not make something that is not reasonable. Your goals and desires are reachable, but if you are starting out make it rational. Going overboard will just make it tougher for you to reach your outcome. Know what you're capable of, and do not try to do more than you can.

Goal setting is something that we all need to do sometime in our lives. Many of us will set short term and long term goals. No matter what type you set it is good idea to always go over them now and then. It will help you see how well you are progressing and what changes you may need to make.

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