Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Organizing Your Home: What to Get Rid Of, What to Keep, and Where to Start

By Heidi DeCoux

Do you want to get rid of stuff that is cluttering up your home, but you're scared you might need it someday?

The top two questions I get as a professional organizer are:

"How do I figure out what to get rid of?"

"How will I know for sure I won't need that item again?"

The secret will be revealed in this article: knowing where to get started, what to get rid of, and what to keep.

What to Get Rid Of: Anything that is not meaningful or useful to you should be going out of your home. How do you know you won't need that item again? You don't! The only thing you know for sure is that you don't need it right now. What you need to believe is this: you will always have the resources to get it again, just like the first time you got it. Believe in the marketplace. It is just as eager as you are to exchange things. If you do need that item in the future, you can easily find another one on Craigslist, eBay, or one of the other online free markets across the US.

Let's just say you sell an unused bookcase on Craigslist for $40 and that one year later you decide you need a bookcase. You will be able to find one within a week or two. Usually you can find one that even better suits your needs. In addition, you have had $40 in your pocket for the past year.

What to Keep: Keep items that are either useful or meaningful. If you tend to love memorabilia, but cannot let go of it, try this simple three-step process.

1. Prioritize the items you value and keep the top 10 things that mean the most to you.

2. Display your items to honor your memories. Frame a special t-shirt, hang unique items on the wall, or create a shadow box of meaningful jewelry, news clippings, etc.

3. Find a single, large bin or box (less than 15 gallon) for each family member. Pull out favorites and fill the bins. Bless another person by donating or selling the remaining items.

Where to Get Started: Make a list of areas that you want organized. Choose the area you use the most. In one area:

Start by removing stuff that is definitely recycling or garbage. You will, most likely, get distracted but only focus on garbage; don't touch anything else. Here is a tip for focusing: play your favorite song and have all garbage removed by the time the song ends.

Next, set out three large bins. Set out one bin for items to be donated, one for items to be sold, and one for items that belong in a different area. Get more bins if necessary. After sorting, move the bins out of the area.

Start organizing only after all items have been sorted. Just organize the items that are staying. Reassess the area. What purpose do you want it to serve? How you can maximize the space? How you could use walls to maximize space for displaying items by keeping them off the floor? Answer these questions and let the answers guide the organizational process.

If you get stuck on one of these steps, or if you need help maximizing your space, consider hiring a professional organizer. Check with the National Association of Professional Organizers (napo.net) to find a qualified organizer in your area.

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