Saturday, December 26, 2009

UK CompTIA A Plus Training - Thoughts

By Jason Kendall

There are four A+ exams and specialised sectors, but you're just expected to achieve certification in two to be thought of as qualified. For this reason, many educational establishments simply offer two. Yet learning about all 4 will give you a far deeper level of understanding of your subject, which you'll find a Godsend in the commercial world.

Once on the A+ training program you'll become familiar with how to build, fix, repair and work in antistatic conditions. You'll also cover fault finding and diagnostics, through both hands-on and remote access.

If you would like to be a man or woman who works for a larger company - fixing and supporting networks, build on A+ with Network+, or consider an MCSA or MCSE with Microsoft to give you a wider knowledge of how networks work.

How the program is actually delivered to you isn't always given the appropriate level of importance. How many stages do they break the program into? And in what sequence and what control do you have at what pace it arrives?

Often, you will join a program staged over 2 or 3 years and get posted one section at a time - from one exam to the next. This sounds logical on one level, until you consider this:

How would they react if you didn't complete each section within the time limits imposed? And maybe you'll find their order of completion doesn't work as well as some other structure would for you.

Truth be told, the best option is to obtain their recommendation on the best possible order of study, but to receive all the materials up-front. You then have everything in the event you don't complete everything as fast as they'd like.

Many men and women are under the impression that the traditional school, college or university path is still the most effective. Why then is commercial certification becoming more in demand?

As demand increases for knowledge about more and more complex technology, the IT sector has been required to move to specific, honed-in training only available through the vendors themselves - in other words companies like Adobe, Microsoft, CISCO and CompTIA. Frequently this is at a far reduced cost both money and time wise.

Many degrees, for instance, often get bogged down in too much background study - with a syllabus that's far too wide. Students are then held back from understanding the specific essentials in enough depth.

Put yourself in the employer's position - and you wanted someone who could provide a specific set of skills. Which is the most straightforward: Go through a mass of different academic qualifications from hopeful applicants, having to ask what each has covered and which vocational skills they've mastered, or pick out specific commercial accreditations that precisely match your needs, and then select who you want to interview from that. You'll then be able to concentrate on getting a feel for the person at interview - rather than establishing whether they can do a specific task.

Some training providers supply a practical Job Placement Assistance service, to assist your search for your first position. Don't get overly impressed with this service - it isn't unusual for eager sales people to overplay it. At the end of the day, the still growing need for IT personnel in the UK is the reason you'll find a job.

Bring your CV up to date as soon as possible however - you should get plenty of help from your training provider on this. Don't wait until you've qualified.

It's possible that you won't have even taken your exams when you land your first junior support role; yet this can't and won't happen unless you've posted your CV on job sites.

You'll normally experience quicker results from an independent and specialised local recruitment consultancy than you will through a training course provider's employment division, because they will understand the local industry and employment needs.

A common grievance for various course providers is how hard people are prepared to work to become certified, but how little effort that student will then put into getting the job they've trained for. Don't give up when the best is yet to come.

Traditional teaching in classrooms, utilising reference manuals and books, is often a huge slog for most of us. If you're nodding as you read this, dig around for more practical courses which feature interactive and multimedia modules.

Studies have time and time again verified that connecting physically with our study, is much more conducive to long-term memory.

Modern training can now be done at home via easy-to-use DVD or CD ROM's. Instructor-led tutorials will mean you'll learn your subject via the expert demonstrations. Then you test your knowledge by interacting with the software and practicing yourself.

It's imperative to see some example materials from your chosen company. It's essential they incorporate video demo's and interactive elements such as practice lab's.

Seek out CD and DVD ROM based physical training media wherever available. Thus avoiding all the issues associated with the variability of broadband quality and service.

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