Sunday, October 11, 2009

Positive Thinking : Using The 'I Want' Approach

By Meera Watts

The "I must" line of thinking almost forces our body to comply with our thoughts.

However, we can change our unwanted habits and compulsions by simply thinking "I want". This approach gets head, heart and body to agree on a course of action. The power arising from these three forces coming together makes it a whole lot easier to change our behavioral patterns.

Saying to yourself "I mustn't be late" won't work. You are being too harsh and negative. If you feel like you're forcing yourself not to do something then some unfortunate quirk of nature makes us more likely to actually end up doing it.

"I must be early" is no better because it is still imposes on our actions and free will.

This line of reasoning goes something like this: I mustn't be late because I will get a scolding, or I may have a fine imposed on me, or they will put a black mark on my record book or they will not let me into the room.

"I want to be punctual" is a better line of approach. It is gentler and more in line with the spiritual laws we all have built within us.

The line of reasoning goes like this: I want to be on time because other people and their time are things that I have respect for. If everyone were early, we can start on time and end on time, we can go on to do other things, be more productive, and we can go home to be with our families.

This, in the long run, is a more powerful and spiritually persuasive line of reasoning.

When more and more people in the group recognize, appreciate and put into practice the value of punctuality, and the positivity spreads. As such, by changing yourself for the better, you can also trigger positive actions and attitudes in other people. You should see this as great motivation.

Ultimately, by being more self aware, you are able to achieve more of the things that you want to achieve.

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