Saturday, August 15, 2009

Get To Know Yourself Much Better By Learning From Your Dreams

By Rachel B. Michaels

There are a lot of people, who do not think about our dreams as a building block of our own development. They can inform us what we need, desire or what we should adjust in our life to develop into "whole" individuals.

We can gather much from our dreams, use them in of our own growth and get answers to several the questions that on occasion comes up in life.

- Make a note of the dream straight away " everything you remember as through as doable. Also feelings and moods.

- Note a little down in relation to what occurred the day before, and what troubles you at the moment.

- Look at the "location" - which moods does it signal. Think about if there is a situation in your daily life now that have a similar mood.

- Are there feelings, sentiments and intensity you are familiar with from your life at present? Moods linked to the "scenario" may give you an indication of what circumstance applies to the dream.

- Pay attention people in the dream. Begin by finding 3-5 illustrative adjectives " how they are - properties - by individuals. Write them down.

- Associate on animals, things and places in the dream - use your own "feelings" prior to using symbol explanations. Write them down one by one.

- All ingredients of the dream are parts of yourself. It is you - not them, dream interpretation is about. Try out the personal qualities to find the rest day - the situation is the dream originated. There were multiple pages of your activity the day before, than you were fully aware of?

- Pay attention to the sentiments and reactions you feel when you talk about the dream. Listen also to the body. Listen more to your feelings, your heart than to your reason and your head.

- Do not feel bothered or ashamed of your dreams. The unconscious speaks in capital letters. Death and destruction may be the start of something new, and sexuality shows that you put together characteristics of yourself.

- Remember to think positively " consider the good symbols for you as a side of yourself. Appreciate that you can reinforce them yourself with energy from your own unconscious mind. Keep in mind that the dream might show you something you had not thought of previously - a help from you to you. It helps you to make you more complete - not to disgrace or worry you.

- Listen in on others peoples suggestions and thoughts. Bear in mind though, that you might be inspired, but you have to realize what your dream is about.

Keep on dreaming

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