Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Real Secret Behind The Game Of Life

By John Suzie Hardy

Most of us work hard all our lives just to keep afloat. Most of us find that success requires effort and investment, both physical and mental. But for some people, the best things in life are free. Many of these "winners" have little or nothing to offer the outside world. Nonetheless, unlike the rest of us, they are blessed with lives of comfort and wealth.

This is because they know how to play by different rules. Rules which govern a hidden game played by all society, unbeknownst to most of those caught up in it.

Think of it in terms of being kept in the dark. With the naked eye you have no advantage over whomever, or whatever else might be out there. But with a pair of night-vision goggles up your sleeve, suddenly you are in the drivers seat.

If youre one of those whose head is barely above water, I offer you a pair of social-vision goggles, so to speak, a peek at The Real Secret.

The truth is that we're all caught up in a vast game being played throughout society - in the local pub, in our schools and where we work. Most people have no idea that the game exists, but for those who are aware of it, it functions as their get-out-of-gaol-free pass; their free ticket. I can offer you a way to take them on at their own game, and even to beat them.

Life is too often a suckers game and suckers dont see it because they play by the rules. Suckers believe in fair play; they believe that what goes around comes around. They are the ones who often end up the loser.

So how does this secret game work? It works by dividing people into two camps. In the first camp are those of us who work hard, work well and work together for little tangible reward. Meanwhile, the second camp is the VIP lounge " reserved for a small group of elite "Players" who play the system - and us - to make vast profits for themselves at the expense of everything else.

Players help themselves to the riches life has to offer - fancy homes, fast cars, beautiful husbands and wives - leaving little but dregs for the rest of us.

It's unusual for any life-skills coach to admit the existence of this game. Most prefer instead to encourage a positive outlook based on meeting one's goals and playing to one's strengths. Certainly, this is a part of it. Without setting ourselves goals we have nothing to aim for, and without recognizing and utilizing our strengths we can never hope to advance. To that extent, a life-skills coach could help you get one over on the guy next door. But for all that, the life-skills coach approach will get you no nearer to the secret of what's really going on - the game played behind your back. While you may win small victories you will remain cut off from the players who go on manipulating the system to suit their own ends.

So, without a roadmap, without something that shows us the lay of the land, warns of quicksand, pot holes and the land mines, reaching our destination is more luck than skill. Without the special goggles life is unpredictable and fate fickle; we remain dinghies tossed about in a sea of fortune that decides whether we make it safely ashore or crash against the rocks of happenstance.

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