Sunday, September 20, 2009

6 Ways To Break Out Of The Low Self Esteem Prison

By Ayo Olaniyan

Did I grab your attention?

A Prison is a place of physical confinement and restriction to various levels of personal freedom.

The post in context expresses the effects of experiencing low self esteem which are isolation, little or no self worth, frustration, depression

Low Self Esteem refers to the perception of an individual, viewing himself as inadequate, unworthy, unlovable, and/or incompetent

Low self esteem affects the quality of your life.

There was an article on the BBC website dated the 9th of July 2009 stating Self Help Makes You Feel Worse.I felt a need to blog on this, attempting to highlight low self esteem symptoms, suggest ways in which we can handle it, inorder to promote our personal development. Its not about relying heavily on positive affirmations, statements, mantras etc alone, but working out an approach to building self confidence over a certain period.

Low self eteem signs are as follows:

Feeling that you're not good enough - even if you are. A decreased level of self confidence associated with putting yourself down all the time. The feeling of being overwhelmed by the purpose of life. Social withdrawal. Being unnecessarily fearful and concerned over what people think or imagine about you. The feeling of Self neglect.

Ways to break out of the Low self esteem prison

Engage in activities that you like, knowing you can excel. This boosts your level of confidence. Know what aspects of your life that need development. It improves your personal/professional growth, promotes your strengths and fosters positive relationships or work ethics

Our weaknesses tend to box us into a corner, or for the purpose of this topic IMPRISON us. Be rational in laying out on the table various aspects of your life. Your habits will not change overnight. Rejoice when you make a tiny progressive change using that as a stimulus to propel further quests for personal growth and development.

Acknowledge your positive qualities Believe in yourself. Feel good about what you have achieved so far, your ability to face the future with confidence and purpose. Dont be too hard on yourself. This is a negative trait which over time, develops into low self esteem. Stop flogging yourself over mistakes over the past. Learn from your experiences and avoid comparing yourself to other people

Know your limitations. Know when to push and when to rest. There will always be times when situations will come to a plateau and you are confused on how to proceed. Follow your instincts and learn to be patient.

Interacting with positive and supportive people tends to reduce of several bouts of low self esteem by impacting your life, making you feel loved, wanted, happy, constructively challenging you to positive growth..... Its important to develop a positive/personal support network

Positive compliments and constructive criticisms (this shouldnt be likened to negative talks about your person) shouldnt be ignored at all. When you put yourself in a position of not being teachable or unworthy praises for work done, or good character possessed, it reflects low self esteem.

Find out your purpose. Lay down in specific terms what you want to achieve in your life. Being realistic about your goals will enable you formulate specific steps on how to achieve that purpose. When you know what you want, you should be able to set concrete, achievable and measurable goals. Never aspire to have unrealistic expectations because its end result is low self esteem, depression, disenchantment.

Some ideas

Examine yourself

Know your strengths

List your goals and be sure to create milestones going there.

Break down your goals

Learn to be optimistic

Make a time frame of what you hope to achieve in a specific period of time.

Think about how people could help in reaching or achieving your goals?

People behind bars often dream of a better life/future. People who experience low self esteem feel imprisoned but there is a likelihood of the prison doors being wide open without anyone imposing their stay in there.

Deal with Low self esteem

Are you ready to break out of prison?

Your comments will be appreciated.

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